It is important to have water intake in MODERATION.
Too little water is bad for your kidneys and urinary and digestive systems.
Too much water can cause inflammation, bloating, stresses on the filtering system.
Water intake is over emphasized. Think about what makes sense to your body. If you push too much water intake, you can alter your electrolyte system. The body is not made of just plain water. It has electrolytes like potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphate, chlorine, magnesium, etc. There's water inside our cells, outside surrounding the cells, and in the blood and lymph systems. Each area has different proportions. If you just add water, you are diluting and changing the content and balance of your body fluids.

Some things to note:

  • Patients with high blood pressure have to be careful about not drinking too much water to prevent electrolyte imbalance, or not to overload that body with excessive fluids.
  • Patients with chronic inflammatory diseases should also consult an expert before drinking water, to prevent bloating and more inflammation.
  • Athletes (week end warriors or professional athletes) have to be careful about drinking the correct fluid, such as electrolyte fluids vs plain water.
  • If you work in a reasonable air conditioning environment, there's no need to drink more because you are not losing fluids from sweating. However, if the air is TOO COLD, then you would need to replenish because the dry air will evaporate your surface moisture or just from breathing!, which then changes your internal fluid balance.
  • If you worry about limiting your water intake because you urinate too much or too often, this is not the correct solution because you need to have proper cycling of fluid in your body to keep your kidneys healthy.

See link re Body Water

Food intake:

  • Salt precaution is not just for patients with high blood pressure. We Americans in general have very high salt intake unnecessarily, based on our habits of eating out, eating processed foods, and cooking traditions.
  • Dry or salty foods would require more water intake to balance out the fluid content and help in digestion. So by limiting the salt content, you reduce the liquid requirement. You wouldn't have to try to drink water so much.
  • Eating leafy greens and vegetables would naturally provide higher fluid intake. This is consuming fluids in a naturally way.
  • Eating soups provide a good natural way to have both nutrition and fluid intake in a balanced manner. Limit use of canned or premade soups because they are always more salty. Try to make fresh soups instead.
  • When you order french fries, ask them to give you UNSALTED fries. These "unsalted" fries are usually premade and preserved, which mean they are already salted!

Read about the WESTERN DIET and how to modify nutrition intake

See Link for Nutrition Intake from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Pelvic Floor Hygiene and Good Life Habits